🐧 How I'd invest $100k today

How Above-Average Households Invest, Cash, Equities, Real Estate, Fun Money

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📊 How I’d invest $100k today

Recently, I was asked if I were given $100k today, how would I invest it?

I reflected a bit on this question.


  • This is my first $100k of savings

  • I’m in the middle on risk tolerance spectrum (not too high, not too low)

  • My goal is to save for semi-retirement (not FIRE) in my early 40’s, while enjoying my life now

  • No kids or major health expenses

How Above-Average Households Invest

First, I’d look at other households - what benchmarks can I use to guide my decision-making?

Let’s start with average households. The US Federal Reserve provides a rare glimpse into asset allocation by household net worth tier.

Let’s take a look at the $100k tier:

  • It’s mainly primary residence

  • With a small chunk of retirement assets (eg stocks/bonds)

Now let’s consider above-average households.

Here’s a conventional net worth allocation recommended by Financial Samurai for people who are willing to work until the traditional retirement age of 65+:

  • Mainly stocks and bonds

  • With a healthy chunk of real estate

These are a couple examples of benchmarks I would consider.

I would dig into the “why” behind these allocations and see if they align to my goals.

My Portfolio Approach

Here’s how I would allocate $100k:

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